Equip Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher - 600g
Equip Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher - 600g
Dry powder extinguisher suitable for use on A, B, C Class fires and fires involving live electrical equipment
Supplied with wall mounting bracket
Manufactured to BS EN 3 standards
For Small fires only
Dry powder extinguisher suitable for use on A, B, C Class fires and fires involving live electrical equipment
Supplied with wall mounting bracket
Manufactured to BS EN 3 standards
For Small fires only
CLASS [ A ]: Combustion of solid material such as wood, paper, textiles etc
CLASS [ B ]: Combustion of liquids e.g. petrol, oil, paint, solvents and grease
CLASS [ C ]: Combustion of flammable gases e.g. propane, butane, natural gas
ELECTRICAL: Fire involving electrical equipment